Crestwood High School Alumni Pages
This web site is for those who attended Crestwood High School in Mantua, Ohio. The information age has given those of us wishing to get reaquainted or stay in touch a place to call home. Those looking for 'lost' friends may find them here. ***This site is not located or maintained at the school.
The information found here is intended to be of interest to alumni of ALL graduating classes. School history and facts, School related links, Reunion information and dates, etc. have been included. Inputs and ideas are welcome and encouraged. E-mail directories for each class (which list the e-mail addresses of those who wish to be contacted by other Crestwood alumni) are being developed and are growing daily.
To send information (pictures, stories, upcoming event information, etc.) which may be used to make this a better web-site, or to have your e-mail address listed, contact:
Crestwood History:
Hello! I have received a tip from Mrs. D. Rohrer that all the elementary schools in the Crestwood District will be closed and replaced by new buildings on Pioneer Trail.
History of Crestwood Schools , About Crestwood School District
Alumni E-Mail Addresses:
1940-1949 , 1950-1959 , 1960-1969 , 1970-1979 , 1980-1989 , 1990-1999 , 2000- , Faculty
Crestwood All Sports Boosters fund raiser Spirit Walk.
A Yahoo group with a message board, chat room and more has been created just for us Red Devils. Check it out at: Crestwood High Alumni Club.
Good news for all you out of towners! Here's the local newspapers all in one site for you. Happy reading!!! (Thanks Terry:)))
We have now listed "missing" persons for several of these class years. Please review them soon. Any classes planning a reunion in the near (or not so near) future please send facts (grad year, reunion details, prices, contact phone numbers / e-mail, reunion web-page, etc.) to:
*NEWS* Micki Wadkins-past class president of the Class of 2002 has set up a separate e-mail so the class of 2002 can stay in touch and receive info and updates. Address: Thanks Micki!
Reunion Information:
Class of "86 Twenty Year Reunion
Past Reunion Pictures:
Class of "82 Twenty Year Reunion
Class of "87 Fifteen Year Reunion
Cool Links and School Links:
Guestbook Archive Files: 2000 // Jan - Jun 2001 // Jul - Dec 2001 // Jan - Jun 2002 // Jul - Dec 2002
Jan - Jun 2003 // Jul - Dec 2003
© Copyright 2000 Chris Nestor, Last Update: 3 Mar 2005